  >  Eat & Drink   >  Benefits of Fasting in Ramadan | Month Of Ramadan


Benefits of Fasting in Ramadan: The month of Ramadan. Muslims around the world observe fast from dawn to sunset. It is the ninth month of the lunar calendar, and observing fast is one of the five pillars of Islam. In this particular month of Ramadan, the Holy Quran was revealed. Ramadan lasts from 29 to 30 days, depending on the moon. If the moon is not sighted on the 29th day, it goes into the 30th day. The billions of Muslims around the world observing fast during the holy month. It comes with many benefits as well! Even celebrities are known to fast (intermittently) such as Hugh Jackman,Benedict Cumberbatch, and Jimmey Kimmel.



Benefits Of Fasting In Ramadan:

Fasting has its benefits. This is one of the five pillars of Islam. It is an exception for those whom are ill or medically excused for health reasons, and for women who are pregnant (varies on what trimester they are on/nursing/ability to fast, etc).


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Medical Benefits

* Promotes detoxification, breaks down fat reserves mobilizes and eliminates stored toxins.
* Increases insulin and leptin sensitivity, reducing the risk of chronic disease, from diabetes to heart
disease and even cancer.
* Boost metabolism for fat loss. (But don’t be fooled, avoid fatty fried foods)

Mental Benefits

* You are in control, self- discipline and self-control.
* Ramadan teaches you to be humble, avoid arguments, and anger.
* Reflect on this month, appreciate what you have and evaluate the small things differently.
* Cleanse your mind, body, and soul.

Spiritual Benefits

* Give charity, Prohet Muhammed (PBUH) said “The best charity is that given in Ramadan” (Tirmidhi)
* Increasing in dikhr/prayer/supplication, the reward is multiplied immensely, take full advantage!
* The night of Laylatul-Qadr.  Increase in prayer, and if you
can try observing Itikaf.
* Prepare for Eid and prayers. Enjoy the month and rejoice in what Allah has given you a wonderful gift
of Ramadan!